Moving Forward

Lion Marine Group

Lion Marine Group

Bulk Handling Solutions,
Technical Parts & Engineering

We provides technical equipment and services for marine, offshore, port & terminal applications.

Lion is built on decades of leadership and value creation for our customers.
Together with our business divisions, Lion Bulk Handling, Lion Technology and
Lion Engineering, we offer products and services that help you move forward.

Bulk Handling Solutions,
Technical Parts & Engineering

We provides technical equipment and services for marine, offshore, port & terminal applications.

Lion is built on decades of leadership and value creation for our customers.
Together with our business divisions, Lion Bulk Handling, Lion Technology and
Lion Engineering, we offer products and services that help you move forward.

Lion Bulk Handling

Lion Bulk Handling is, in combination with its well known brands – Carlsen, Kintec, Ruyter Offshore & Bulk Academy – a pioneer and expert in maritime and portside bulk material handling.

Lion Technology

Online shop for technical products and parts for the maritime, port, terminal and bulk handling industry. Technical equipment, parts and tools simply, quickly, transparent and reliably found and ordered.

Lion Engineering

Our engineering team is in the unique position to help you with in-depth knowledge, strategic minds, creativity and understanding to design (2D/3D) your technical challenges in several industries. 

Ruyter Offshore
Bulk Academy
Ruyter Offshore
Bulk Academy

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